8, జనవరి 2012, ఆదివారం

USA-Economics Students Revolted Against False Teaching on Economics

Harvard is the prestigious University in USA. Professor Mankiw is a famous professor of Economics there. He was the Chairman of the Council Of Economic Advisors during the second Bush Administration. Many Americans believe that his conservative ideology created the collapse of American economy and lead the country in the deep financial and economic crisis since 2007, although the capitalist system is having inbuilt feature of crisis.

On 2nd November 2011, students at Harvard University made history when they walked out from Professor N.Gregory Mankiw’s “Economics 10” course lecture. The students did so because they felt the lecture had a heavy neo liberal bias(Neo liberal economics means a contemporary form of economic liberalism that emphasizes the efficiency of private enterprise, free trade between nations and open markets to promote privatisation and globalisation. It seeks to maximize the role of the private sector in determining the political and economic priorities of the world).

Professor mankiw wrote two important text books on elementary economics education which are being taught in many universities around the world. The first one is “Economics: Principles and Applications” and the second one is “Macroeconomics”. In the controversial”Economics 10” course he taught the first one. Both books were written in a fashion that the ideology expressed in those books is the last word beyond which no other opinion can exist. American and European capitalism gave recognition to Mankiw’s brand of economics as the “mainstream” economics.

The so called “mainstream” economics is based on some crucial assumptions that the human beings are selfish and the ultimate success of the individual is the maximisation of utility and the maximization of profit. There is a myth that Adam and Eve fell from heaven on this earth and started human civilization after committing sin of swallowing the apple of knowledge. Mankiw would have led his students that some utterly selfish(neo-liberal) individuals, without any semblance of history, dropped from the sky one fine morning and initiated the capitalist market economy. Not only that; the human civilization is destined to to end up on in capitalism it self. In Mankiw’s book there is no mention of feudalism as the existing order of the society before capitalism.According to his book, there is no possibility of any logically next possible order of the society other than capitalism. He ridicules any such possibility of socialism by ridiculing the erstwhile socialist countries.

Karl Marx who dedicated his entire life for the scientific analysis of capitalism finds no mention in his text book. According to karl Marx all the previous social orders –primitive societies, slave societies, feudal societies and the present dominant capitalist societies are part of the pre-history of man. He described Capitalism as the last antagonistic mode of production where exploitation of man by man reaches the climax, and hence part of human pre-history, along with the previous exploitative orders of the society. Real human beings and real history will start after ending this last exploitative social order. But it is to be noted that not only karl marx, but also there is no mention of the famous economist David Ricardo among the classical economists in this book of Mankow. Also the famous economists and Nobel prize winners among the contemporary economists—Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz also have no place in his book. It may be because they advocated intervention of the Government to increase demand and employment. The name of the famous economist John Meynord Keynes finds mention at only two places in the book. It is well known that capitalism could revive during the great depression from 1929-33 only by following the prescription of Keynes for state intervention to create demand and employment. But in the present stage of capitalism dominated by international finance capital, state intervention is opposed by the finance capital since finance capital is a functionless capital since its aim is to get quick profit in buying and selling financial assets or real assets, but not by increasing production. If state intervention is necessary, it means society can be run without the domination of the finance capital and hence finance capital opposes state intervention.

Therefore Mankiw chooses to shield himself behind Adam Smith and reiterates that every body is selfish in a market economy and there is no concern about society. Adam Smith told every body is selfish and will take care of himself and hence society will be wealthy if every body is given a free hand in the market economy. Keynes formulated his theory against this orthodoxy and showed that if every body expands their savings, through petty selfish acts, it would in effect reduce the over all income of the nation.

The students who walked out of his class gave a open letter to Professor Mankow. They told  that they enrolled in the Economics 10 course “ hoping to gain a broad and introductory economic theory that would assist us in our various intellectual pursuits and diverse disciplines, which range from Economics, to Government, to Environmental Sciences and Public Policy and beyond. Instead, we found a course that espouses a specific—and limited—view of economics that we believe perpetuates problematic and inefficient systems of economic inequality in our society today”. They told they were denied access to alternative approaches other than the “main stream neoliberal” approach. They further told, “ Harvard graduates play major roles in all the financial institutions and in shaping the public policy around the world. If Harvard fails to equip its students with a broad and critical understanding of economics, their actions are likely to harm the global financial system. The last five years of economic turmoil have been proof of enough of this.”

They further told, “ We are walking out today to join a Boston-wide march protesting the corporatization of higher education as part of the global Occupy movement. Since the biased nature of Economics 10 contributes to and symbolises the increasing economic inequality in America, we are walking out of your class today both to protest your inadequate discussion of basic economic theory and to lend our support to a movement that is changing American discourse on economic injustice. Professor Mankow, we ask that you take our concerns and our walk out seriously”.

The Occupy Wall Street movement is the movement in America that started in September 2011 against the domination of the 1% of the population in their country that have majority assets and political power, comprising Corporations and the pro-corporate politicians. Wall Street in New York symbolizes this 1%. The argument of the Occupy Wall Street movement is that the 99% of the population should occupy the majority of assets and political power. The Wall Street is the symbol of the collapse of finance capital that resulted in the crisis in America. This movement has spread to European countries also. It is still going on in America in various forms. It changed the discussion in contemporary America.

(This is based on the article “Is the edifice of neoliberalism finally crumbling”, written by Dr. Sudipta  Bhattacharya and published in the web site “Pragoti.in”, with certain modifications------asokababu)

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