2, అక్టోబర్ 2011, ఆదివారం
WORLD FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS International Action Day on 3rd October 2011. Demands * Government funded social security (pension and health) for all * Collective Bargaining -Collective Agreements in all sectors-public or private * 35 hours work per week (7 hours per day with 5 day week) * Better wages * Recognition of the Independent Palestinian State in the 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as its capital. *Freedom for the 5 Cubans illegally imprisoned by USA Trade unions from 106 countries in all the five continents committed to class struggle and anti-imperialist orientation SIGNIFICANCE OF INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTION - M.K. Pandhe (This is the last article written on 18th August by Comrade M K Pandhe) The 16th Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions gave a clarion call to observe October 3, 2011 as the International Day of Action which will raise the powerful voice of the working class all over the world on certain urgent demands of the working class .October 3 is the foundation day of WFTU. EMERGENCE OF WFTU The foundation of the WFTU in Paris in the year 1945, was an important occasion which expressed unprecedented unity of the working class after the historic defeat of fascism during the Second World War. Trade unions from Western Capitalist countries and Soviet Union and newly emerging socialist countries in Eastern Europe and China assembled together. Despite ideological differences they decided to work together to protect the interests of the working class all over the world. The role played by the Soviet Union in the anti-fascist peoples’ war resulted in anti-communism of the trade unions in Western Capitalist countries going in the background at least for the time being and remarkable unity of the working class all over the world was witnessed during the Paris Conference of trade unions. 346 delegates from 56 countries representing 67 million membership decided to form the WFTU with Sir Walter Citrine of Great Britain as President, and Louis Saillant from France as the General Secretary. The Conference which was converted into Congress adopted constitution of the WFTU and it decided to have the headquarters of the WFTU in Paris. The American Federation of Labour (AFL) however did not participate in the Conference but from USA, Congress of Industrial Organizations(CIO) joined the Congress. The International Federation of Christian Trade Unions (Catholic) participated in the Congress but did not agree to join the WFTU since it wanted to keep its independent entity, may be due to the pressure from the Church and the Vatican. The emergence of WFTU created a sense of confidence among the working class all over the world and a wave of enthusiasm was clearly reflected among the workers of all affiliations. The membership of trade unions increased in every corner of the world and growing trade union activities put employers on the defensive. The affiliation of various national trade union centres to WFTU went on swelling which became a militant functioning trade union centre of the world. U.S. IMPERIALIST MACHINATIONS However, the imperialist forces were extremely unhappy at these developments and they commenced their conspiracies against the global unity of the working class. President Truman of the United states made a most virulent anti-communist speech on March 12, 1947 and openly appealed to the Western powers to come together to fight the rising tide of socialist ideology in the world, he openly announced financial aid to countries who would follow the reactionary Truman Doctrine. On June 5, 1947 the U.S. Secretary of the State George Marshall announced offering of big loans and financial assistance to European countries in the name of revival of their economy. It was a clear attempt to control the European economy and disrupt the trade union movement. The Marshall Plan imposed several conditionalities which affected the Sovereignty of the country. A large section of the WFTU opposed the Marshall plan but the Western trade unions welcomed it and wanted WFTU to endorse the proposal of the Marshall Plan. They wanted an early meeting of the WFTU to consider the proposal. Meanwhile the Western European Capitalist countries went ahead with the proposal to approve the Marshall Plan which posed a threat to the unity of the WFTU. The WFTU called a meeting of the Executive Bureau on April 30, 1948. However, instead or attending the meeting the British trade unions called a rival conference on 9th March 1948 in London knowing fully well that majority of the Executive Bureau of the WFTU would not approve the Marshall Plan. The WFTU meeting on April 30, 1948 rejected the Marshall Plan and called upon the working class of the world to oppose the attempts of U.S. imperialists to dominate the European economy. These developments created a basis for split in the WFTU. SPLIT IN THE WFTU The British trade unions in January 1949 demanded suspension of the activities of the WFTU which was rejected by the WFTU. It further called a Conference in London on November 29, 1949 which decided to form International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) succeeding the imperialist design to split the WFTU. The remarkable unity achieved by the World Trade Union movement was thus sabotaged by imperialist forces. ICFTU continued to play a disruptive role in international trade union movement The Second Congress of the WFTU was held in Milan (Italy) from 29th June to 9th July 1949 which was attended by delegates from 61 countries representing 71 million membership. Despite split in the world trade union movement WFTU remained powerful force in defence of working class interests and in the struggle for world peace. The Congress elected G.D.Vittorio (Italy) as President and Louis Saillant (France) as General Secretary. With various international developments, WFTU’s international out look had negative impacts. WFTU was not supporting the struggles of the working class in countries which had good relations with the Soviet Union. In India, two nationwide strikes of Central Government employees during sixties as well as 1974 all India railway workers strike did not get any solidarity support from the WFTU. The CITU had been pointing out these issues during WFTU meetings. In a later period WFTU documents failed to emphasize the need for class struggles as well as anti-imperialist struggles. WFTU even talked about de-ideolisation of the working class. These issues were also criticized by the CITU. However, CITU was participating in activities of the WFTU and co-operating with it since it continued to remain a left oriented trade union centre internationally. In 15th Congress of the WFTU in Havana due to the initiative taken by Cuban and Greek trade unions WFTU corrected its understanding and emphasized the need for class struggle and anti-imperialist orientation of the organization. The CITU welcomed these developments and strengthened its co-operation with the WFTU. After a fraternal discussion with the WFTU leadership the General Council of the CITU in January 2011 decided to affiliate with the WFTU and participated in 16th Congress of the WFTU held in Athens (Greece) in April 2011 as an affiliated organization. NEW ROLE OF THE WFTU WFTU took initiative in strengthening united struggles all over the world against globalization. Its new headquarters at Athens became active in coordinating the activities of the national centres and highlighting the growing attacks of the capitalism against the working class. The popularity of the WFTU increased in all the continents and it once again emerged as a militant international organization in defence of working class interests. The six point demands raised by the WFTU for observing the International Day of Action are the most pressing issues faced by the working class all over the world. They are as follows: 1)Government funded Social Security for all, 2) Right to form a trade union and Right to Collective bargaining, 3) Better wage for decent living, 4) Working hours – 7 hours per day, 35 hours per week and 5 days per week, 5) Solidarity with the people of Palestine and 6) Freedom to the Five Cubans who are illegally kept in prison for years in the United states on false charges. On the plea of cutting down the cost of production in a competitive environment, the World Bank and the IMF have been harping on the idea of drastically reducing social security of the workers reducing the government commitment to these schemes. Even in major capitalist countries workers have to fight against curtailment of social security measures. The concept of welfare state is being given a go bye and elementary right of human existence is denied to the working class. Hence, state funding of social security scheme has become a common demand of the working class all over the world. The workers wages are under attack and despite rise in cost of living employees are resisting in enhancing the wages of workers and trade union movement has to conduct bitter struggles to get a rise in wages from the unwilling hands of the employers. In several undertaking workers had to face wage cuts and increased hours of work as a preconditions for continuing their job. ATTACK ON TU RIGHTS Trade union right has become a casualty while several governments are enacting Labour Laws refusing trade union right and right at collective bargaining in utter violation of the ILO conventions. Various Governments behave like silent spectators when trade union rights are trampled under tout by the unscrupulous employers. In India, the multinational companies are blatantly violating all the labour laws to-day while the Government of India is conniving at this state of affairs in the name of attracting more foreign investments in the country. With introduction of new technologies and automation, demand for reduction of hours of work is being raised by the trade union movement. In India law provides 48 hour per week while 12 hour daily work is being illegally extracted in several undertakings. In many advanced capitalist countries 40hours per week and 5 days week has been achieved while trade unions have been demanding 35 hour week. This international demand needs to be popularized in India so that trade unions are involved in struggle for such demands for reduction in hours of work. The struggle of the people of Palestine for their homeland is being brutally suppressed by Israeli Zionists. International solidarity is increasing in their support but due to the support by U.S. imperialists the suppression of the legitimate struggle of the people of Palestine still continues. Similarly five innocent Cuban workers are languishing for several years in U.S. prison on fictitious charges and despite international solidarity U.S. imperialists are refusing to release them. The International Action Day should express massive support to these demands by holding rallies and demonstrations. This is an occasion to highlight the significant role played by the WFTU in I
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