26, జూన్ 2011, ఆదివారం

You Are That!

Due to ignorance you are identifying yourself with this(this world). You will attain knowledge and moksha when you come out of this ignorance and realize you are not “this”(material world), but “that”(soul, atma, which is nothing but great soul, paramaatma). This is the summary of one branch of Indian philosophy.
All branches of philosophy identifying man with soul have missed the fundamental fact that man is not soul, man  has the soul i.e consciousness. But the soul man is having is not a permanent, finalized thing. It is always in the process of becoming i.e developing into some thing new from the something existing at the moment.
Soul i.e language, thinking and consciousness of a man is not a given thing. It is a created thing. It is created by society i.e by the interaction of man with other man in the society. A newly born child, if left in a forest under the care of some animals, and if has no interaction with other human beings, cannot even walk erect and cannot speak and consequently cannot have any human consciousness i.e soul. Therefore soul of the man is not some thing existing permanently. It is created in the man due to his interaction with other men in the human society. Man is a particularised part of the society and as the society changes, he changes and also he changes and changes society.
When man is in a society with classes like Capitalist, worker, peasant, landlord etc, he belongs to this class or that class. Accordingly his ideas are conditioned by the interests of the class. He may be or  may not be aware of it. For the The Capitalists in India immediately after independence, Public Sector is good and the big capitalists like Tata and Birla at that time wanted the Government to build all heavy industries in Public Sector since the capital with them at that time is not sufficient for establishing such heavy industries. Now they changed their tune and are against Public Sector and want privatisation of the Public Sector. This is because they amassed huge capital utilising the Government help after independence and now they want to grab the huge assets of the Public Sector at dead cheap rate with the help of the Government. Thus the soul of the Capitalist changed as per the change in their purpose.
If you are a peasant, you will not talk about trade union and trade union rights. Because you are a worker employed by the Capitalist or by the Government of the Capitalists, and because you want to achieve good service conditions for you by fighting against your employer in combination with your colleague worker, you are in a trade union. Therefore your soul is the soul of the worker, not that of the peasant. Your ideology will be different from the ideology of the peasant. If you were the slave owner in the then slave society that existed centuries ago in several countries, you would have said that having another man as your slave was perfectly justified. The Britishers that ruled India told that thir ruling over Indian people was perfectly justified and necessary. The Indian people told it was unjustified and unnecessary. Therefore your soul i.e your ideology is depending on the class to which you belong in a given stage of the society.
But when there are class divisions in society and when some classes rule and dominate the other classes in the society, the  same ruling and domination will be there in the overall ideology of the society also. At present in India the ruling classes are the capitalists and landlords lead by the big capitalists. Therefore the ideology of the Indian society is dominated by their ideology. The Government is their Government, working overall, for their interest. Therefore the education system, whether public which is controlled by the Government or now a days private, controlled by Corporates, the media controlled by the big capitalists, the traditional ideology of the land lord society are always influencing the ideology of the people as a whole. Hence even though you are a worker, and even though you oppose and fight against the capitalists and their government for improving your conditions, your ideology as a whole is dominated by the ideology of the Capitalist-landlord ruling classes.
 Workers in their work place work collectively and create surplus value, but it is taken away by the owner. Therefore the ideology of the capitalist is favouring selfishness, for exploiting others. One capitalist competes with other capitalist. Therefore along with this selfishness, there is competition for fighting against others. Hence now a days, in the background of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation the Capitalists are campaigning the ideology favouring selfishness and competition. Without their knowing it, the workers also are influenced to think that selfishness and competition is a great virtue. Although they work and create collectively and collectively fight against the capitalist ,  the workers are under the influence of capitalist ideology as a whole and hence not yet dominated by  their own ideology i.e the ideology of working class, which is against selfishness, exploitation and in favour of collective and cooperative spirit.
 The workers are not even often ready to identify themselves as workers, but want to identify them selves with  this caste or that caste, or with this region or that region.Since most of the workers come from peasant families or agricultural labour families,  their mindset will be that of a peasant or agricultural labour or even that of a landlord.  This is due to the influence of capitalist-landlord ideology.  The capitalist of one country or one region is identical with the capitalist of another country. When their interests coincide, they are forming international alliances, overcoming their competition. Similarly the worker of one country is identical with the worker of another country. Hence the slogan “workers of the world, unite” came into existence. But this unity is not yet achieved to a great extant and a lot of struggle is required to achieve this unity. The ideology of the Capitalist-landlord classes dominating the mind of the workers is coming in the way of achieving this unity. Therefore to achieve the unity of the working class, it is necessary to defeat the ideology of the capitalist-landlord classes which inculcates selfishness and competition, encourages divisions based on caste, religion and region etc and promotes national chauvinism(saying that my nation is the superior nation and my nation has to defeat and rule the other nations).
Therefore to achieve unity, working class must not identify itself with caste, religion, region, selfishness etc . Workers must liberate themselves from this “ignorance” and realize  the universal worker in them, worker of the world, “Visvakarma”, the creator of wealth world wide. He should have pride in identifying himself as Visvakarma. You are That! i.e You are visvakarma, worker of the world. You must have a collective and co-operative spirit, not that of selfish and competitive spirit. Identifying yourself as Visvakarma will give  you the spirit to fight for changing the society.

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