India is now having the second largest telecom network in the world,
only after China which stood first. The over all teledensity was 7.04 per cent
and the rural teledensity was 1.7 per cent in March 2004. By the end of January
2013, it increased to 73.07 per cent and 40 per cent respectively. The wireless
subscriber base has increased from 3 crore 36 lakh in March 2004 to 86 crore 47
lakhs in December 2012. The share of wireless subscribers in the total number
of telephone subscribers was 96.56 per cent by December 2012. The average
tariff per minute for the outgoing call for the GSM mobile services dropped
from Rs 2.89 in March 2004 to 47 paise in December 2012.
The Government is claiming in its posting dated 28.5.2013 in its website, that this growth is spectacular and it is
due to the series of reform measures by the Government and due to the dominant
role played by the private sector. This means the privatisation policies are
the reason for this growth.
But the theory that the privatisation policies only are capable of
achieving such a “spectacular growth” is a false theory. In fact, the growth of
telecom sector in India is not really so spectacular. As per the ICTD Index(Information and
Communication Technologies Development Index) published by the
ITU(International Telecom Union) affiliated to the United Nations Organisation
in its report “Measuring the Information Society, 2012”, India is far behind
even Vietnam in ICT develo0pment. Vietnam stood at 81th place where
as India stood at 119th place in the world in ICT development in the
year 2011. China stood at 78th place and Srilanka at 105th
place. Even Bhutan stood at one place higher than India, at 118th
place. China was behind India in 1980s in telecom sector, but now it is far
ahead of India.
While the spectacular development in telecom services sector in
China was due to the Public Sector where 4 PSUs are providing telecom services,
the not so spectacular development in India is being claimed as spectacular and
due to the privatisation policies. It is to be noted that due to these privatisation
policies, about 6 lakh crores rupees or more was paid to foreign equipment manufacturers
for procuring the foreign companies manufactured equipment whereas the FDI
received by India was below 1 lakh crore rupees. Thus due to these
privatisation policies, the net result is draining out an enormous quantity of
our resources to foreign countries and destruction of our telecom equipment
manufacturing industry and destruction of our research and development in
telecom sector. Now the Government is saying that this dependence on foreign
equipment manufacturers is against our national security!.
Thus if you look at all the facts without confining yourself to
growth in subscribers numbers and reduction in tariff, you will find that the
growth in telecom sector in India is lopsided and anti people since a huge
amount of money, around 5 lakh crores was lost by India in the name of this
development. On thee other hand, China was able to develop its telecom
equipment manufacturing industry and its R&D and today, its Companies ZTE,
Huwaei etc manufacturing telecom equipment are able to compete with the Western
Telecom Equipment manufacturers like Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola etc and
supplying equipment in large quantity to India and other countries. This is due
to the control of the Government in China in telecom services sector wherein
all the telecom services providers are PSUs. The China Government used its
control on telecom services for making foreign equipment manufacturers to
transfer their technology to China Telecom equipment manufacturers and develop
it further. Precisely because India depended on the private telecom operators for
the development of its teelecom services, it became a dependent on foreign
equipment manufacturers even at the cost of its national security.
Thanks for providing such a useful information. Hope to get some more information in future also.
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